Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall-ing for Autumn

Fall has got to be my favorite time of year. The trees and bushes ditch their green summer garb and gives us the red carpet treatment. The air is as crisp and refreshing as a cool glass of water, the "good" sports are in full spring, its a time for football party BBQ's, camping trips, its death to the bugs that bite, and finally, Fall is the Herald of the Holiday festivities with all its splendor. A time to dust off the baking sheets, and download some cool recipes in search of a new holiday food tradition that will make us fat, like hot apple butterscotch two sugar no crust pie topped with with non-low fat whip cream and powdered sugar ... bombs...with Ice Cream...on the side...can I get a heck yeah? Best of all, its our first with little Sofia!!!
YEAH !! Sofia and The Pumpkin Worker...Scare..crow.......

Why didn't the ghost get a Job at the haunted house? ....because he lacked substance.......

A happy Sofia and (2) Piles of Leaves going as Pumpkins for Halloween....kinda of trashy if you ask me. feeling is uncertainty... thinking one thing will produce a cool result, but it always ends up with you, or someone you talked into doing it first with the promise that they would be the "coolest", getting hurt... you ever tried jumping on a ball thinking it would act just like a trampoline???

Later Gater,

1 comment:

D.Richmond said...

It amazes me that your daughter is wearing just a oneies out and about by all these Fall decorations. You don't see that too often in Wisconsin. By Halloween we are wearing sweaters and hat and gloves up here.