Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kiwanis Run

This weekend we ran for the Kiwani's, it is an organization that raises money for special needs children. All proceeds is going to build them a new playground. It was only 1.5 miles, which is a couple laps around Bob Woodruff Lake. It was a lotta fun... well at least for my little Sofia. Daddy hasn't ran in a little while so needless to say, I was gasping for air, meanwhile Andrews little friend Becca trotted along with ease. Youth!!! It was worth it though, and I hung in there with my wife, even though her response was " not bad babe, you kept up!!!". Love the support. We also got to dress little Sofia up for the first time in her Halloween get up. She is our little pumkin, so it is was only fitting to dress her like one. Besides, if your gonna spend money on an outfit that she will outgrow by next year, you might as well get the milage out of it, right?.? We didn't stay for the judging though, but like any proud parent would say, she would have won cause she was the cutest!!!

It was also cool to see Chester there as well, and we couldn't pass up the photo opp. He looks like a giant compared to my wittle girl!! I almost thought he might join us for the run as well, but then I thought to myself, why bother? Cheetah's never win............

Ciao for Now,

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