Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Finish What I Start Part 1

ok. so, one of my resolutions was to finish whatever project I begin. So, to hold myself accountable, I started with a pillow I begin sewing this past October. I stopped because I found it difficult to close it and to top it off John had to show me how to. So, I quit because John actually showed and I was mad at myself that my husband knew how to close a pillow and I didn't so the pillow just looked at me telling me to either get rid of it or finish it. So, after my second attempt to close it, I didn't do so bad. Now, John is talking about making new curtains for our living room. It will be cheaper for us to do it, but we'll see. I've never done curtains but he bought me this sewing book for Christmas....long story short, I loved to sew when I was younger, way before I was dragged to come to the States. We'll see how it goes. but here's the pillow that beg me to finish it.
John also bought me, for Christmas, the book below. It was on my Amazon.com wish list for a very long time. I love hand sewing and I was very excited he got it for me. When I was little I used to make dresses for my dolls out of...my brother's shirts, my mom's skirts etc, etc, etc, but of course, I never touched my clothes. So, this really takes me back to what I really used to enjoy.
The cross below is my first attempt at making a softie. I decided to make this cross for Sofia and put a ribbon to hang it on her door knob. I was so excited after I finished; I made one for my sister Wendy for her b/day (I forgot to take a picture of it) and the one below is for my mom. Again, I had two weeks of time off from work so, doing all of this was not stressful. Now, I have to figure out and/or find the time to do more Softies now that I'm back at work full time but I'm hooked. Now, some require the sewing machine, but first I have to get the fear out of using my Mom's so that I can make the one's that are so cute.

The pic above is the back of the cross that I made for my Mom and the pic below is the front of the cross. The hanging fabric that I used for this cross was from my pj pants. It was annoying me so I figured what better use than this. I love cutting stuff i'm not supposed to, so I may even go to John's dresser and see what I can find...heheheh - Sandra

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