Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Marriage Weekend

This Friday April 17th, Retrouvaille will have their marriage retreat weekend. So far, John and I have registered 35 couples. Some have dropped which is always sad because you can hear the pain in their voice or when we read their e-mails. Just today, I received a call from this guy who is desperate and not sure about attending the Weekend and wanted me to explain if it is possible that it could help his marriage heal from an affair his wife is having.
Every time I get a call like this it breaks my heart because I hear the pain and I can totally understand it and all I can say is "yes, it is possible. Not easy, but possible when you are open to do the hardest work you have ever done in your life."
Not all the couples attending are suffering from an affair. Some have just grown apart over the years and are just living like roommates or staying together for the kids. Some have decided that marriage is to hard and want to go out and live the single life again. I had a call a few weeks back when the husband asked me, "I bet this is your first call from a husband asking about help." WRONG!
We get inquiries from both. Many times the wife just gets tired and wants to call it quits and that's when the husband wakes up and figures out he better do something before is too late. We have heard husbands cry, and desperate to save their marriage and it hurts me as much when the wives cry.
This is a hard ministry to work for but it truly has been a blessing in our lives. Please help us pray for all these couples who will be attending this Marriage weekend. Pray that they see the light at the end of the tunnel where Jesus is standing waiting to embrace them on a job well done.
God bless. -Sandra.


D.Richmond said...

You are a perfect example of how God can take your greatest heartache and turn it around for his glory. You have triumphed because of Him and now you help lead others to do the same. Your personal experience gives you a depth of understanding that others could only pretend to know. Thank you for using your experience to help others in Christ name. We will pray for these couples as you have asked.

The Seaman's said...

thank you!