Sunday, March 21, 2010

All is Well

When I feel down, the Lord knows what to say to tell me that everything will be okay because he's with me everyday. This is what he said to me today:

Remember My Words to My disciples, "This kind cometh not out but by prayer and fasting." Can you tread the way I trod? Can you drink of My cup? "All is Well."
Long though the way may seem, there is not one inch too much. I, your Lord, am not only one inch too much. I, your Lord, am not only with you on the journey, -I planned, and am planning, the journey.
There are Joys unspeakable in the way you go.
Courage, Courage, Courage.

After reading this, I burst into tears, because it is courage that I lack due to the uncertainty of the unknown that is coming my way, but this reading today reassure me that All is Well and will be.

Praise the Lord.


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