Saturday, May 28, 2011

Catching Up

I have been very very busy with everything else that I have been putting off our blog. So, here's a rundown of what's been happening!

Not many people understand how busy life can get when you are blessed with children, for those who do understand. Thank  you.

When life hits you in the face, in this instance on Raquel's forehead, lean on those who love you no matter what.

In good times and in bad, through thick and thin, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.

When you are feeling down, there is someone close to you who can make you smile!

and when in pain (Poison Ivy in this case) is nice to know you can find empathy through a camera lens.

All your hard work, one day may bare fruit, in this case Asparagus.


And if life is bringing you down take time to look at what's going on around you even if it's the simplest thing.

Touching Coco (our new Chihuahua) always helps!

or not! puzzling looks can also be consider cute.

But let's never forget those who will always be there for us with unconditional love!

  and if you think of running away, look behind you, there are people who love you just as you are!

and never want to let you go!

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