Friday, February 24, 2012


Here's a little of what's been happening with Sofia and Raquel...

Raquel loves giraffe's, sleeps with them and well, poses with them.

Raquel and Sofia both busy cooking something for us. You should see what play-doh taste like after they are done cooking with it. 

This dollhouse is a hit!

The results of a home when no ones watches TV. A complete mess! 

I bought this $1.99 house box for them to keep their individual crayons and markers so there wouldn't be anymore crying about who they all belong to and to personalize them, we colored them, wrote their names on them and even put stickers on them.

Sometimes there are 4 people cooking in our kitchen instead of one. The girls come from behind and start cleaning up the mess...or finishing up the mess.

Raquel wastes nothing! 

Having the time of their lives! 

Sofia is the type that as soon as she hears the slightest noise in the moring she gets up and makes herself comfortable in our bed...but not without her buddies. 

Sofia tracing and learning her letters! She's catching on really fast and already writing her name. I'm not waiting on teachers to teach my babies, I believe it's my job to take the lead.

Raquel wants to do everything Sofia does and her tracing is pretty good!

Raquel had a visit from Ariel today at lunch.

and Jasmine came later. 

Laughing together! 

Crazy Doll Dance

Crazy Dance Style!

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