Sunday, August 5, 2012

Circus Time!

Since our Parish Early Learning school gave the girls a very nice discount coupon to attend the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey  "Fully Charge" show, well, we did! It had been since the 80's that John and I had last gone to see the circus and we all enjoyed it. Our 3:30pm show wasn't sold out since the row in front of us and behind us were empty but it was still a pretty good turn out.

If you arrive an hour early before the show starts, you are free to come down to the floor and visit with the clowns and other circus stars and watch their mini pre-show! It was great!

Overall, the upbeat music throughout the show and the funny stunts from the clowns makes the show very successful.

Sofia trying to juggle

Raquel did not want to get close to the clown. I think it was the nose...

But everything change when Sofia and Raquel noticed this circus star with her sparkly shiny outfit. They had no problem posing with her.

Sofia's big smile says it all! They had a small rack where kids could try on outfits and Sofia quickly spotted this pink whatever it is outfit. She didn't want to take it off!

Raquel was drawn to this gold sparkly outfit. 

This is the pre-show where you can come down to the main floor and visit with the stars of the circus.

Shaka Man

 We had pretty good seats!

My Mom! She loves the Circus!

My hat off to the Acrobats! They were crazy cool!

These two guys were amazing two. In fact, I wanted to ride this thing!

There wouldn't be a Circus without the Elephants!

They enjoyed themselves very much as well as the obligatory popcorn and cotton candy they had.

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