Friday, February 15, 2013

Five on Friday - Unsual Stuff

1.What’s the most surprising or unusual thing to be found in your wallet, purse, or backpack?

When I find money in a forgotten corner of my purse or wallet. It is always a nice thing to find. Always.

2.What’s the most surprising or unusual thing to be found on your computer’s hard drive?

Lost family pictures and/or videos. We're always like "oh, I looked young!"

3.What’s the most interesting thing hanging on your walls?

My babies pictures. I just can't believe how time flies and I used to changed diaper not so long ago.

4.What’s the most uncharacteristic thing in your fridge?

A frozen beer bottle. I need to get it out.

5.What’s something you’ve done in the past year that you thought was going to be awful but turned out pretty good?

I was so afraid of delivering my babies but it was surely a relief.

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