Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Seaman Girls

This picture was taken in a nano second when both of them were looking right at the camera. Got to be fast or you'll miss beautiful pictures like this! Here's Raquel standing in her Playpen holding on to dear life, I think.

Thanks Patti for saving the day, again! I forgot my camera. We got to do this again! When the weather is over 100 degrees, you want to hit the pool.

Billy, my Chihuahua. I love him. LOVE HIM!

Again: I LOVE HIM!!!

Here's Raquel dancing to La Vaca Lola. Translation: A Cow named Lola. You can hear Sofia sing the song in the background.

Sofia making Raquel laugh.


D.Richmond said...

I watched your videos with my 2 yr old who was laughing and trying to get your little one to laugh, too. When it was done she said "again, again!" Too cute!

The Seaman's said...


That makes my heart melt!