Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Favorite Things this Month - July

1. South Beach Diet - Yep, we are back on it eating a lot of greens and yummy stuff while losing wait. We were on a food binged not caring about what we ate for about a couple of months until our clothes were too tight it wasn't fun anymore to eat what we liked. It is a constant reminder that we have to take care of ourselves to be able to teach our girls the same.

2. Mom's Very Best Recipes - John bought this book at Half-Price Books and is turning out to be an amazing book to get more recipes for our girls. We want them to experience a variety of food so hopefully one day (very soon) they'll start eating what we cook for ourselves minus the spicy part.

3. Taste of Home - Grill it.- This magazine is full of AMAZING ways to marinate your beef/chicken/pork and is delicious! Also healthy! I haven't had any type of meat stuck on my teeth which is a plus!

4. St. Joseph's Early Learning Summer School - I enrolled the girls for 7 week summer school at our St. Joseph Parish. This was the only option that ran longer than 5 days and it was affordable! The teachers were amazing and even though Raquel went three weeks crying when I left her in her classroom, she eventually came to love going to summer school and her teachers. God willing, I plan to do the same next year, they have a class for kids going into Kindergarten which is amazing which means Sofia and Raquel will be able to attend together once again. 

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