Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kindergarten year at St. Paul Catholic School!

It feels like she was born yesterday and I was changing her diapers. It feels like she just learned how to walk and said her first word, "dada." Now, she's starting Kindergarten and she's so thrilled but my heart just melted yesterday when I walked her down the hallway at St. Paul's school.

 She was beyond excited!
 Ms. Figueroa, Sofia's teacher.
We found her seat and she quickly began to draw. 

St. Paul rocks! 
Raquel going to All Saints, Little Saints preschool! She's not a morning person so cracking a smile so early will never happen.  
wait, that's half a smile! 


Kelly said...

They are so grown up! And so cute!

The Seaman's said...

thank you!