Thursday, January 10, 2019

Billy - My Baby Boy (2006-2019)

I'm not good at grieving. I suck at it.

I spent all day crying for my 13 year old chihuahua dog, Billy.

He was diagnosed with an enlarged heart back in May of 2018. Vet said it is very common among small dogs. The news hit me like a brick. Since May, Billy began to take meds. His cough only increased with a couple of more visits to the vet.

The vet said this is the worst thing that can happen to a dog, because the way they die its not easy.

It was brutal.

We buried him in our garden.

I got Billy through a co-worker who didn't want him after only spending a weekend with him. He was only 8 weeks old.

I raised him with love, discipline and lots of spoil moments. Billy was my first dog since my childhood dog died when I was 8.

In the beginning, John and I couldn't have babies, so Billy became my baby boy. He couldn't do anything wrong. Not chew on my designer shoes nor have little accidents around the house.

I miss him so much. I miss his personality.

He was the pack leader. The house is not the same without you.

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