Wednesday, June 16, 2010

9 Years

At 7pm tonight, John and I marked our 9th wedding anniversary.

We have known each other for 11 years total. Both of us still can't believe we have known each other for that long and it feels like we just met yesterday. But when we start looking at our photo albums then we realise that we have done so much together.

These 9 years have not being easy and the next years to come will not be easy either but with a renew commitment and trust in the Lord everything is possible.

I am looking forward in the years to come to celebrate our wedding anniversaries with our daughters. I want them to look at us and see that even though the marriage road is a tough one with many sacrifices along the way that it is also a blessing from the Lord to share your life with the one the Lord chose for you to spend the rest of your life with.

We pray that other couples can continue on in their marriage and keep the family union as one.


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