Sunday, January 9, 2011

Food Allergies

We had Sofia tested for allergies back in October and we came to find out she was allergic to a bunch of stuff but dogs (thankfully!) She was given Nasonex and Singular for her allergies due to Texas weather. Well, they didn't help. Sofia's nose was running all the time and breathing was hard for her mostly when she slept. I called back desperate and the nurse told me to give her NeilMed - Nasal Mist, this will help keep her sinus clean and will reduce her sinus infections. Well, this worked!!! But her mucous kept coming.

Friday, I decided to check her allergy report that we were given telling us everything she is allergic to. In that report, it says she's got some food allergies like Dairy.


Hmmm...interesting, could it be the milk? eggs? cheese? Because right now, I am at my wits end and I'm pretty much tired of seeing her with a runny nose. I called John and said, starting tomorrow (Saturday) Sofia's is going off Milk for a week! And we'll take it from there.

Today is Sunday and she's had two days w/out a runny nose and she's slept like an angel. Here's what I found:

Symptoms of a Toddler Milk Allergy

According to Dr. Frank Oski, former director of the Department of Pediatrics of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, compelling evidence exists that up to half of American children have some type of allergic reaction to milk. Though cow's milk is one of the most common food allergies in children, milk from other animals such as goats, buffalo and sheep, and milk from soybeans can cause a reaction as well.

Cheese Yes, Milk No

There are two types of protein found in cow's milk that can cause an allergic response: casein, which is found in milk solids (the part that curdles), and whey protein found in milk liquids. A child may be allergic to either or both, which explains why some children can tolerate cheese or yogurt well but not a glass of milk

Symptoms of Milk Allergy

Reactions may include a runny or stuffy nose, wheezing, asthma, mucous buildup accompanied by rattling in the chest, coughing and frequent ear infections. Some children show skin-related reactions and develop dark circles under their eyes, dry scaly itchy skin (eczema), rashes or hives. Others experience allergic reactions primarily in their intestinal tract, exhibiting mucous or blood in their stool, diarrhea, stomach aches with gas and bloating, constipation or vomiting. The brain is an organ which may be affected by milk allergy as well; your child may become hyperactive, irritable, anxious or complain of headaches. Sore joints and muscles for no explainable reason is another common response to milk allergy.

Expert Insight

Cow's milk, especially processed cow's milk, has been linked to a variety of health problems, including: mucous production, hemoglobin loss, childhood diabetes, heart disease, atherosclerosis, arthritis, kidney stones, mood swings, depression, and allergies," says Dr. Julie Kotter in the May 1995 issue of Townsend Medical Letter. A parent that suspects milk allergy should consult with a pediatrician promptly. An Elisa Food Allergy Panel will be run on a blood sample to test for antibodies to dairy.

Isn't this something!!! My baby is allergic to Milk!!! Sofia has been asking for milk these past two days and she's watched Raquel drinking milk and it has been hard for her but for the first time, I am soooo happy I wasn't wiping boogers off her face. At least Sofia learned to blow her nose!

Milk is affecting Sofia's Respiratory Tract —

symptoms can range from a runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, and sneezing to the triggering of asthma with coughing and wheezing

I'm calling her Ped tomorrow to find out what is the best substitution to Cow's Milk. I'll be watching Raquel like a Hawk now!!! And here, I was thinking it was the State of Texas causing problems!! I was wrong!


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