Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Go Cowboys!

Go Defense! Great job on stooping those Redskins! Alright, Romo, you actually showed frustrations over the the offense rookies who were making rookie mistakes left and right. I still don't like you. Our Defense won the game!

And I'm 0-3 on Both of my fantasy football teams. I'm not having a great rookie year myself.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Five on Friday - Pictures!

1. Yourself. Do you like having your picture taken? Why or why not? Do you have a "good side"?

I did when I was younger, wrinkle free and skinny. Like this one!

2. Your pet(s). What are their names? How long have you had them?

Lenny Boy or sometimes when we want to be sweet with him is Lenny Papi. He's been with us 7 years and
he still sometimes irritates me. He follows me EVERYWHERE!! it almost feels like he's stalking me! but I do love him.

Our second dog is my FAVORITE DOG! His name is Billy Willy Poppers! Or Billy Boy. He's been with us 5 years and I adore him, he can do no wrong in my eyes! He even sleeps with me when John cannot detect him or find underneath our sheets. Love him!

and our third dog is Coco Beware. Or Wrong Coco Wrong! That's what I have been saying since May this year when we got him because he's still teething and biting everything! I love Coco too but Billy takes first place.

3. Your favourite vacation spot. Describe exactly where the picture is taken. What's special about this place?

I love Hawaii and Cancun but I would have to say that I had a blast in Costa Rica! I want to go back to the Hot Springs! It was unbelievable!

This is the Resort we stayed. I love the little town we went to, there were monkeys in every tree!

Mud bath!

4. Your bedroom or favourite room in your home. Explain or tell a story about some of the items in the room.

My favorite room used to be the Living Room but now is my bedroom. I'm so tired everyday, all I want is to lay in my bed and sleep for hours! No need to show pictures.

5. One of your favourite pictures of all time, whether for artistic or sentimental reasons (it doesn't necessarily have to be one you took yourself). Why is this picture special to you?

I don't need to explain why these pictures are special to me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pat Robertson and Alzheimers

For bad or for worse. Right? NOT, Until you are disabled and you become a burden to me, I'll divorce you! Pat Robertson's comments about divorcing your spouse with Alzheimer's are not just idiotic but do not follow our Christian beliefs of marriage vows of  til death do us part? hmm?

"Robertson was asked to give advice on a situation where a man started to date other women when his wife got Alzheimer's. The audience member wanted to know what to say to his friend and got this reply.

"I know it sounds cruel, but if he’s going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again, but to make sure she has custodial care and somebody (is) looking after her,” Robertson said. adding that Alzheimer's "is a kind of death."

I call this spouse abandonment at such a vulnerable state of their lives! add selfishness on top of abandonment and you are a cruel spouse who probably never loved your spouse! So Pat Robertson you are a MORON! You do not advise people to abandon their handicap spouses!

Just my opinion.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cowboys 2011

I don't like the way we win games and omgosh! Romo is hurt! (yey!) Oh no! He came back!!!
So, we won our first game of the season and Romo just had to redeemed himself because the media just doesn't understand why Texans just rips Romo apart. Media is blind! At any rate, we take the W. Until next Monday night vs. Redskins. We'll see if Romo comes back...

What's even worse, I am (0-2) on both of my Fantasy Football teams! This sucks!

But this video is cute! I took it this morning.

Movies We Watch

Movie: Of Gods and Men

This movie is based on true life events about Trappist Catholic Monks who are stationed in Algeria whose community is terrorized by militia groups who want to overtake the government by killing foreigners to get ransom money to continue their operations. The Trappist Monks are dealt with a tough decision whether to leave or stay. If the leave, they leave the community behind whom they help and love, if they stay they run the risk of being terrorize or worst killed. But the question arises of what would Jesus want them to do? This is a beautiful movie that reminds you of the sacrifice that we as Christians have to endure to live our faith. I, uniquely felt in love with the silence these monks live, the hymns they sing and most importantly they way they celebrate Mass.

We give it: 5 Stars. A must see movie.

Movie: The Lincoln Lawyer

Starring Matthew McConaughey as a defense attorney who practically makes deals out of his car to and from court dates and does his best to represent his clients whether or not they are guilty until he is hired by a wealthy client who is accused of batter and Mick (Matthew) finds out his wealthy client is lying about his past. I like Matthew McConaughey only when his playing serious roles, I totally dislike his comedies.

We give it. 3 Stars.

Latest Hapennings

This is how happy Sofia looked on her first day of school.

Not a very happy first day of School for Raquel since she had to be grabbed from me because she wouldn't let me go, but I did check back after five minutes and she was happy playing with the toys. However, I was crying.

When I picked her up she was happy playing but as soon as she heard me call out her name, she started crying again.

I was so happy to see her! 

So, we took Grandpa and Grandma out to Lubby's!! I love Lubby's! 

After I picked up Sofia later on, we went to a playdate with some other moms at this Allen Water Park. 

Raquel's curly hair really stands out...

This past Tuesday, we celebrated Sammy's 13th birthday at Cici's.

Sofia and Raquel do not eat Pizza so I made sure they had dinner before. I think John fed them something really sweet.

On our way home!

Sofia picked up these flowers from our garden to give to my mom! She's so sweet!

Poor Lenny! He has to endure Sofia's games! 

We had the Plano Balloon Festival this weekend and as soon as we heard the fireworks outside outside our house we checked them out! So nice we don't have to deal with traffic! 

John playing with Sofia and Raquel

Sofia has been doing this little stunt from the couch for about a month and I thought that it would take Raquel until next summer to do it. Well, she proved me wrong.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

NFL Season 2011

Well, we made it through the lockout, now, us, Cowboy fans have to make it through Tony Romo's 6th season as our Quarterback and WHAT THAT HECK happened to our special team! I have hope, but Tony, since you are a married man now, I hope you keep your interceptions either for early in the games or none at all.

On another football note: I'm playing Fantasy Football. John got me excited when he played last year, so this is my rookie year as a fantasy football player. So far, I'm losing my first game, but I still got players playing tomorrow night. Our defense did pretty good! Our new Defensive Coordinator below. If you ask me, after the season is over, I would like to see him in the Biggest Loser show and he needs a new hair cut.

GO COWBOYS! We can do it, if only Romo wasn't our quarterback. sigh.

God Bless the USA!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


One good thing about limiting television on children, they use their imagination and think of many ways to get in trouble but also be creative! I have many stories when I was young of the things we did in the house because of no TV and let me tell you, I look back and smile and wish to do them all over again because it was fun! My mom didn't think so but we had no choice!

Coco playing dead or begging for mercy at the hands of Sofia.

Here, Coco is really begging for mercy!

this is exactly what Coco has to endure for the time being...sorry, I couldn't hide his privates...

Since Coco is the new dog in the house, he has to just take it.

Billy sometimes is reminded he needs to play along as well.

Trying on mami's shoes, the new in thing.

Having a quiet time having tea (water) and cookies. 

While I am folding clothes they live it up by jumping on the bed, and I'm too tired to stop them.

Being goofy with daddy!