Movie: Reel Steel
I felt in love with boxing in the 80's. My dad used to watch a lot of boxing matches on TV and I remember when Mike Tyson become popular. This movie took me back to those days of amazing boxing fights that get you up on your feet and start cheering for your guy, in this case, robots box in a ring with the owner, Hugh Jackman as Charlie who controls the robot. Set in the future, fights are no longer done by man but by pretty amazing robots. Charlie fight his robot and loses bets along the way, but a son he has never met and now has custody takes him along with him and together they find "Atom" the robot who takes them into the biggest venue there is to fight Zeus the undefeated World Champion Robot. On a side note, Hugh Jackman does take his shirt off. This movie blew us away by the amazing robot fights and the father-son struggles along the way. I didn't expect too much out of this movie, besides just seeing Hugh Jackman without his shirt off. We loved the ending!
4 Hugh Jackman's Stars!
Movie: Killer Elite
A true life story spy movie that has two different stories colliding into one. Set in 1981 we see a retire spy agent who is called by a rich Arab to help him evenge his three sons death if not his captured spy friend would die. The payback: Six million dollars. After ten minutes, we turned on the subtitles as their English accent was rather hard to understand. The beginning and end of this movie were ok, somewhat flat, the middle was good when Jason Stathan, hired his crew and planned the murders. Clive Owens plays an agent who collides with Jason in a great fight scene. I do like Clive Owens. Overall, not a good movie, not a bad either. Oh yeah, and Robert Deniro shouldn't be running at his age, he looks bad running.
2 1/2 stars.
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