Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sofia's Birthday - 5 years old!

Five years ago, I didnt have this many gray hairs that I do today. Nevertheless, Sofia will always be my baby, and to make her feel special we ate lunch and dinner at Chick Fil-A today. And it so happened that Ash Wednesday fell on her birthday this year so off we went to mass to welcome the new Lent season and Sofia and Raquel were excited about their ash crosses on their foreheads.

My Beautiful Baby Sofia!

And my Beautiful Curly Baby Raquel just happy to be at her favorite place!

He can't believe it's been 5 years. He and I look tired every day.

It's time for tough love!

They both feel the same.

Raquel didn't say much during dinner time. Too busy enjoying her chicken nuggets.

First Birthday cake out of three!

Sofia was beyond herself.

I don't care about gray hairs and/or wrinkles around my eyes, I am blessed to be a mom.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday mi sobrinita Sofia. Que mi Dios me la cuide todos los dias de su vida. Que gran orgullo para mi hermanita el tener unas hijas tan bellas. Estas asiendo un gran trabajo. Tus hijitas te dan orgullo, amor y felicidad a tu vida. Nosotras heredamos nuestra jubentud a nuestros hijos y la jubentud la vamos cargando en nuestros corazones. Las camitas y las arrugas no son nada cuando vemos a nuestros hijos sanos y bellos. Me alegra verlos celebrando el cumpleanos en familia pues es lo mas bello que tenemos en nuestras vidas. Las quiero mucho a las 3. <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

BTW...the anonymous person is me, Mayra. ;D. Ehheeheheeh XD