Sunday, November 29, 2009

Movies We Watch

For this long four day weekend, we watched "Up" from Pixar and "Slumdog Millionaire." They are both inspirational movies. The movie "Up" reminds you of those dreams you want to accomplish one day in the near future or now if you could, however, life gets in the way of those dreams and you keep pushing them back until they become possible to achieve. Just like this weekend! We were set up to do one thing but when one of our dogs and one of our girls got sick our plans change and our money went to get them well.

I asked John what his dream was, he said to go Europe. Mine is to live near a beach, not by it, but at least 15 minute drive to it. This movie is for all ages to watch! I know John and I were touched by it.

Slumdog Millionaire reminds you how good we have it here in the States. No matter how you live, you still have it better than people in India. What I got from this movie is that honesty can carry you far. It's a hard movie to watch because people are treated worst than rats just because they live in slums. -Sandra.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thank you!

This year I’m thankful for my husband who loves me; I’m thankful for my two beautiful daughters. I’m blessed to have become a mother for the second time. I’m also blessed to have such a great extending family in the Seamans. My in laws are awesome! They accept me for who I am, and during our separation, they never judge me but kept telling me they loved me no matter what.

Vanessa, what can I say! You are the best Auntie my daughters can possibly ever have! You are also there when I need a shoulder to cry on. I love you very much!

Guy and Mandy keep doing what you are doing; you are an inspiration to us all!

James, you will always be my brother in law no matter what happens from this moment on. I do not regret choosing you to be Sofia’s godfather.

Pati, I’m glad we connected again. Let’s begin a new friendship!

Hollis, you and I still need to talk and I promise it will be very soon. Then we will begin a new friendship based in forgiveness, love and acceptance towards each other.

Zarah, thank you for being so caring, kind and understanding towards me. You seem to always call me when I need someone to talk to. I look forward to meeting your beautiful twin baby girls in February!

Jo, thank you for recommending the raspberry leaf tea for my morning sickness. It sure helped!

I feel that each year that passes by, the Lord challenges me to grow in Him and takes me to paths where I don’t want to walk across but He wants me to break free from my old ways and build new ways based in Him. The Lord is humbling me once again.

This year, I have been loved, I have been hurt, I have laughed, I have rejoiced, I have conquered, I have lost, I have gained, I have cried, I have forgiven. But most importantly is to know that family is the most beautiful thing to cherish each and every day. What I have now, I will not take for granted ever again. I make a choice each and everyday to love.

So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Forget Black Friday and instead choose to spend the day with your family and love on them! God Bless, Sandra.

p.s: A year ago I ran my first 8 mile Turkey Trot! I can't believe it!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sofia's Corner

It takes a song for Sofia to say everyone's name. If she's not singing she ain't saying a word. But if the song is in Spanish or English, she'll say it!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Maloney's!

We were visited by the Maloney boys today. So, we decided to cook John's famous blue cheese burgers. Here's Uncle James with Sofia and Raquel. Sofia wanted James to read her a book. I would have to say he did pretty good!

Here's Andrew and Anthony loving on Raquel.

Sofia had a blast with her cousins today! They love playing the Huggies box with her and she didn't complain. They only stopped when we were eating. Even James took a turn!


This was an ugly win to a team that we should have, hands down, dominated but didn't. Our one and only touchdown came at 2:41 in the last quarter. John says that Phillips along with Jason Garrett should be fired at the end of this season. Even teams like the Redskins have already figure us out.
We looked better against the Packers than we did against the Redskins. I didn't watch today's game all the way through but just hearing John's comments in the background was enough to let me know that we sucked pretty bad. I did watch the last quarter and overall our team will not survive December once again.
Next: Raiders (3-7) Thanksgiving Day. If the Cowboys play anything like today, Raiders might have a chance against us. -Sandra.

Movies we watch

From depressing movies to action packed movies this weekend. The only thing that was bad about the two movies we watched this weekend was that it was filled with plenty of sex and cussed words. I'm talking about Watchmen and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

John said these two movies are targeted for kids and teenagers and what's bad is that many parents nowadays do not preview them and send their kids off to watch them. Which is very sad!

Watchmen is a very dark superhero movie. Dr. Manhattan is pretty much naked and yes, you can see his male specimen pretty clearly and it leaves nothing to the imagination. I did like his powers but this movie is just not suitable for kids at all. Please keep them away!

Transformers is another story. Ugh! The first was much better. Not suitable for kids for the all sexual innuendo that fills this movie. This makes me want to watch Pride and Prejudice all over again for real dialogue and manners! -Sandra.

Raquel's Corner

Raquel's sponge bath by daddy.

Then Raquel's first full bath after her belly button fell. It has been a week of these baths and she's still getting used to it.

Sisterly love! Sofia kisses Raquel to death!

Friday, November 20, 2009


My friend Pati came over to see the girls last weekend!
Sofia and Pati clicked right away!
A big smooch for Raquel! I love this picture!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Post Pregnancy Weight

So, I went for my post check up today and, drums roll please.......I have lost 21 pounds already! From 177 to 156. That leaves me with 26 pounds to loose. Yes, they will be the hardest to loose but, God willing, I'll do it, somehow.

John has 20lbs to loose so, we are doing this thing together! My goal is to be back on my jeans by May next year. I'm giving myself 6 months to do it; this may seem like a long time but I'm trying to be practical about it and yes, I do have a plan to do it:

1. I'm getting me The Tracy Anderson Method Post Pregnancy DVD workout! This workout helps with your core. After reading all the reviews, I'm really excited about this. And anyone can do this with ab problems, so, John is doing it with me!

2. I'm doing my Bryan Kest Power Yoga workout! As soon as I got this DVD earlier this year, I got pregnant and I had no motivation and/or strenght to do it anymore. This DVD is good if you are into Power Yoga.

3. My Pilates workout DVD. I love the one I have.

4. Going back to running. My running pace was at 9:24 at my last 5K. I'm not sure how long it will take me to get back to that again, but I will first concentrate on loosing the baby weight then concentrate on getting back my running time.

5. Core training at the gym. This is the one I hate the most. UGH! It is boring.

So, here we go again. I must do this to be physically capable to play with two very active little girls. I know that Sofia loves being chased after and I'm not going to let her down! I'll post an update every month on my weight loss. -Sandra.

Monday, November 16, 2009


So we got beaten by the cheese heads. Fortunately, I was not able to see the whole game but at least we were not shut out. But I was able to see the Colts and Pats game last night. Now, that was a Mano a Mano quarterback game last night! Manning and Brady are gunslingers! These guys can throw! Why can't Romo throw like that!? John says cause he ain't good enough.

Good thing Philly lost yesterday as well. We still hold first place in our NFC Conference but for how long? December is coming and for the past years December has not been jolly to us.

Next: Redskins (3-6) These guys beat Broncos yesterday. hmmm... I did not watch the game but makes you wonder if Broncos just left their guard down or the Redskins are just now starting to play football. We'll have to wait and see. -Sandra.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Movies we watched

This weekend we watched two movies: Grand Torino and Changeling. Talking about watching two back to back depressing movies! Ugh! This brings me back when John and I rented "A Beautiful Mind" and "Vanilla Sky" movies and watched them back to back. Depressing! Although, when we watched BM and VS, we were questioning our sanity!

Grand Torino, with Clint Eastwood is a great movie and the ending rips your heart apart; Changeling makes you want to hug your kids and not let them go for a second or be apart from them. John and I were distraught after watching Changeling, questioning why people do cruel things to innocent children. This movie brought back memories of my early childhood and teenage years when I was once kidnapped, when I was followed by strange men on my way home from school constantly and other things I rather not mention.

I was telling John that I don't care what people think of my parenting skills or the way we choose to raise our girls, or if they think I am an over protective parent but events like these, reshape the way one views life and takes life in a different way. All I can do is to protect my precious girls with God's help as best as I can. -Sandra.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sofia's Cleanup Time!

This is Sofia's room pretty much during the day. She takes out most of her toys and they trail down all the way to the living room.

But at night, right before her bathtime, she cleans up her room and picks up toys and books and places them back where they belong! John signs a cleanup song to make it fun for her and not a chore so that she won't hate picking up after herself.

Almost done!

Sofia flexing her muscle with her purse my mom made especially for her!

Here she is action about to finish her nightly task!

Monday, November 9, 2009

And More pictures of Raquel Moani Seaman!

Grandma Libby with Raquel!

Auntie Nessa (Vanessa) with Raquel!

Uncle Guy with Raquel!

Auntie Mandy with Raquel!

Last but not least the Seaman Cousins with Raquel!

CONTINUATION: More Raquel pics!

Two proud mothers! oh, and they are only two weeks apart!

Two proud fathers!

Two sleeping beauties! Eva and Raquel.

My sister Medith and Raquel!

Dr. Kay who delivered Raquel.

More Pictures of Raquel Moani Seaman

Raquel and the Maloney boys!

Grandma and Raquel!

Mima and Raquel!
Oh! Uncle James and Raquel!
Last but not least, Auntie Wendy and Raquel!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Its a girl

Finally Raquel has arrived on Earth. She is 8lbs and 11oz x 20 inches long. We are blessed again by God.No autographs please!! Raquel just minutes oldPut me back in!!!Raquel very contented.
Hmm what do I want to eat...
Precious shot.
Sofia's first look at little Sis.

Raquel pondering the lack of options on the menu.
Stay tuned more to come...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sofia's Corner

John gets a kick out of Sofia's hair every time we dry her hair.

Andrew (my nephew) came to visit today (Sunday) and spend lots of time playing with Sofia. He's so sweet! Oh and he won a singing contest this weekend! Not bad!

Sofia checking out the toys on some newspaper. I think she was giving us a hint on what she wants for Christmas.

Here's John and Sofia doing some Polka Dance.

Here's Sofia doing the touchdown sign while watching the Cowboys game. She's getting close!

Now it was Andrew's time to do the Huggies box ride. Yes, she loved it!


We won. Actually, we cruised and smack the Seahawks. Austin still Da Man. Romo did not intercept. But everything is about to change after today. We face two tough teams the next two weeks against the Eagles and Packers.

We did enjoy seeing Mighty Favre beat the Packers. Sweet revenge! Anyways, I may not be fully awake to write much after this weekend. I will be sleep deprive and will rely on John to give me updates on the games, if there is time, I will watch if not, I would rather sleep until everything settles.

Next: At the Eagles home turf. (5-2) Sunday Night Football. Very interesting game since they just whopped the Giants butt big time today so they are riding high but so are we. -Sandra.