Sunday, March 29, 2009

Gady's 5th Birthday Party

Yesterday, we celebrated my niece's 5th birthday. We hadn't seen her for a year and a half, she had gone with her mom to Honduras and we really missed her and to celebrate her homecoming plus birthday we threw her a party at my sister Wendy's house. My house needed a break from parties...
Below is Gadi wearing her Birthday Girl Tiara and of course Sofia displaying her thumb sucking powers and I look like I need some rest. Don't make fun, but it was 50 degrees cold and windy yesterday and I felt cold so, I had to borrow this hat from my mom which later my brothernlaw James declared it look like a toilet seat cover. whatever!

Below, the obligatory pinata group picture.

Sofia to Pinata: You want some of this?!? I told you give me my candy! Or else!

Below, Gady opening her presents.

Alright, my sister Wendy had the kids play musical chairs and because Sofia is too little to play, I joined...but we had to let the b/day girl win.

Then the adults played...I came in third, I couldn't do all my tricks because i'm pregnant so it came to John and my brother Carlos.

Friday, March 27, 2009

1 + 3 = 4!

Yes, we are now 4 in the Seaman household. Our new arrival has an approximate date of November 3rd and I just can't wait for two reasons: 1. I want my body and energy back and stop puking and 2. can't wait to see my new baby.

For the record, I don't have faboulous pregnancies, I have morning sickness pregnancies. Yes, I tried everything in the book and everything everyone told me and nothing. However, it seems this pregnancy the level of puking is down to 50% from 100% with Sofia. I can still fit my jeans but this morning the button on my jean was pretty snug and it started to hurt so here we go.

Another thing, this week I had a sharp pain down close to the baby area and went to see my Doctor yesterday to check out what that pain is and he thinks it might be my appendix, however, the blood test came back negative, so god willing, it is nothing. Here's the first baby picture at 7 weeks. We'll keep you up to date. God Bless. - sandra.

p.s. I tried that fertility chart Jo put on her blog last month, I think, and it worked! so, thanks!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mindful Eating, Mindless Sex

By Chuck Colson

Our Inner Sense of Right & Wrong

Imagine inviting some new neighbors to a dinner party. The first couple tells you they’d love to come. But, they warn, they think it’s immoral to eat animals, so please—vegetarian options only.
The second couple also wants to come, but—they’re almost embarrassed to mention it—they only eat locally grown food. No strawberries from Chili, or shrimp from Asia. Importing food from faraway countries damages the environment, they explain.

Couple number three also wants to attend—but, they ask, you aren’t serving genetically enhanced vegetables, are you, or meat produced by industrialized breeding practices?

At this point, you might be tempted to cancel the party and go out for a cheeseburger, followed up by a banana split—made with bananas from Ecuador. But you might wonder, as you bite into that greasy hunk of beef, just why it is that people have become so moralistic about food. Especially when so many are immoral in other areas—like their sex lives.

One person who has wondered about this is Mary Eberstadt, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution. In her article “Is Food the New Sex?,” Eberstadt notes that food is cheap and plentiful in the West. The same can be said for sex. Technology has tamed many of the dangers associated with sex, like pregnancy and disease. Moreover, social and religious strictures have all but disappeared.

Which leads to an interesting question: What would happen, Eberstadt wondered, when, “for the first time in history . . . [people] are more or less free to have all the sex and food they want?” Would they pursue both food and sex with equal ardor?

Oddly enough, they don’t. Instead, many engage in a sexual free-for-all—but put stringent moral strictures on anything to do with food. A modern young woman might think nothing of living with several different men, and having abortions when she gets pregnant. But she would not dream of eating anything from a factory farm. That would be immoral.
In effect, some people have reversed the “moral poles” of sex and eating, Eberstadt writes. They are engaging in “mindful eating and mindless sex.”

Why is this happening? As Eberstadt writes, “It is hard to avoid the conclusion that rules being drawn around food receive some force from the fact that people are uncomfortable with how far the sexual revolution has gone.”
“Not knowing what to do about it,” she says, “they turn for increasing consolation to mining morality out of what they eat.”

Or, as my former colleague Jim Tonkowich notes, “For all our relativistic talk” about encouraging people to make their own moral choices, “we cannot get away from an inner sense of right and wrong and the desire to codify [it].”

Jim is right. As the apostle Paul put it, God’s law is written on our hearts. We can deceive ourselves into believing it doesn’t exist, but when we do, we find our God-given sense of morality breaking out in other forms. In this case, in food—though it would be better the other way around.

This is what we ought to lovingly share with our unsaved friends—maybe over dinner—people who may think nothing wrong with living together out of wedlock, but who wouldn’t dream of eating mandarin oranges from Spain.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dancing skills

I think John is teaching Sofia how to dance....hmmm..we are in trouble.

Happy 40th Birthday!

This past Saturday we celebrated Vanessa's (sister n law) suprise birthday party at our house; she had no clue!
We had barbecue, ice cream and cake and all her friends and family showed up to sing happy birthday to her. Sofia got scared when we all screamed "suprise!"

Group picture below!
Vanessa's son Cameron below.

I'm not sure about this one, I didn't take it; I know there were no "drinks at the party" so I will have to say is just the Seaman's acting up again.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Whole Foods

Oh my. I found myself hungry for lunch today, no really, I was hungry for something different and decided to go and look for it, but in the meantime, I decided to stop by Barne's N Nobles and buy Sofia Spanish books. I found two for her one was a Dr. Seuss Spanish book titled "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" In Spanish the title reads "Un Pez, Dos Peces, Pez Rojo, Pez Azul." She already has the English version so we only needed the Spanish, I'm so excited to start reading her in Spanish as well!

At any rate, after the book stop, I needed to make a special order at Whole Foods so, as I entered I smelled all this food around me and oh la la! I was in Salad Section galore! They had so many Salad Stands I couldn't decide what I was hungry for anymore and I almost wanted to cry because all these Salad's were just out of this world. So after making my special order I went Salad crazy! I love veggies and salads so much, maybe because that's pretty much what I ate as a child since we were so poor, veggies were the most inexpensive foods to buy.

So, after circling the Salad Stands for I don't know 8 times, I decided to purchase Red Bean Soup, and don't laugh, a slice of pizza. My brain has been telling me for days I needed to eat a slice of pizza. So, darn it, I did it! And it was good! All the Salads were good but so many like that together it was kinda confusing to me so, I opted out to eat what my brain was telling me. But, I have a new place to visit when I feel like eating salad. This place ROCKS! -sandra

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Winsome Warriors

By Mark Earley

The Battle for Life Continues
A picture of a baby in utero flashes onto the computer screen. Images of the fetus seem to pulse, reminiscent of a baby’s heartbeat.
On the screen the following words appear: “This child’s future is a broken home. He will be abandoned by his father. His single mother will struggle to raise him.” The background music continues as we watch the baby grow.
New words flash on the screen: “This child, despite the hardships he will endure, will become the first African-American President.”
The picture on the screen then changes to the jubilant moments of Barack Obama on election night. The short piece closes with a simple yet provocative tag line: “Life. Imagine the potential.”

This brief pro-life ad was created by to be run during the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, NBC refused to air it. Nonetheless, it has received over a million hits on YouTube.

Given the new administration’s ideological commitment to abortion, there’s no doubt that the next four years will be tough on the pro-life movement.
But we can’t be shortsighted. Like the ones who made that short video, we need to be creative and to think of ways to awaken the moral imagination of the American people.

No one is too young to play a role. I recently saw the video of a 12-year old girl named Lia, who decided to choose the plight of the unborn as the subject of her school speech contest. Her teacher encouraged her to pick another topic—one not so controversial. But Lia was adamant.
Her speech has now received more than 100,000 hits on YouTube. And here’s what Lia said: “What if I told you that right now, someone was choosing if you were gonna live or die? What if I told you that this choice wasn’t based on what you could or couldn’t do, what you’d done in the past, or what you would do in the future?”

Lia continues, “Thousands of children are right now in that very situation. Someone is choosing without even knowing them whether they are going to live or die. That someone is their mother. And that choice is abortion.”

Stirring words. And a great reminder that no one is too young to have a role to play in this important struggle for human rights. She also reminds us that sometimes it takes the innocence of a child to see and condemn the reality of evil.
And while the pro-life movement needs to engage the hearts, minds, and consciences of the nation, we must also continue to reach out and care for those who are struggling with an unwanted pregnancy or the aftershocks of choosing abortion.

I’m thrilled to see efforts like the Abortion Changes You campaign, begun by Michaelene Fredenburg. They are reaching out to help people who have been devastated by abortion, and also to raise awareness. The Abortion Changes You campaign placed 1,000 ads across New York state last year, in subways and billboards, sending people to its website, where anyone dealing with the aftereffects of abortion could find resources and help.

We’ve got to continue to think outside the box like this, all the while proclaiming the goodness of life, caring for those wounded by abortion, and helping women to make the right choice—life.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


By the grace of God, I had my first customer pillow custom order two weeks ago and here they are. It was exciting and at the same time the pressure was on to come out with a finish look the customer will be happy with while attending to my family. I showed the pillows to several people and they love it. Of course, what I earn in everything that I sell, I will give the Lord 10% and the rest will go to Sofia's Little Saints school tuition. What do I get? The satisfaction of giving to the Lord and supporting my baby's school.

The letters on the pillows are the initials that the buyer wanted in the pillows for their pespective child. The blue pillow was the hardest due to the different type of stiching that I decided to do for the initials. Soon I will be opening my little shop at Etzy for my other pillows that I am currently making.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Faithful Go To Church, The Rest Go to Therapy

by Michael McGruther

At the very heart of the Christian way of life is the belief that we individual Christians, no matter what our faith, can best effect society with gentle nudges towards God by living a Christ-like life the best we possibly can, while recognizing at the same time that there has in fact only ever been one real Christian to walk the Earth - Jesus. We’re not capable of that kind of perfection. We know this. We are merely asked to try.

Secularists don’t know that simple fact about faith and feel threatened by their own ignorance, which quickly spirals into enmity as a defense against what they deeply fear is the truth. After all, Pride is what made the Devil. And the Devil’s main goal is your total separation from any kind of relationship with God, which can easily be described as anxiety, loneliness, fear, panic attacks, suicide…anything to get you away from sincerely trying to follow God. In other words, people of faith go to church while secularists go to therapy.

To quote C.S. Lewis, my favorite atheist convert, “Christianity has not been tried and found false — it’s been tried and found too difficult.”

Secularists throw their hands up and give in to “humanity” instantly, under the guise that urges and desires must be completely natural (which they are) and are therefore just fine to enjoy with wild abandon (which they are not). They do not understand that resisting is the real road to that spiritual Utopia we’re always striving for.

We Christians know all to well that we are human and that sin drives a wedge between us and God. No you’re not “going straight to hell” because you happen to sit in a hotel room with a steady diet of hookers and drugs between movie shoots. Although you may wind up in jail at the hands of your fellow Man, what that behavior will really do is gently and pleasurably separate you from knowing God.

By “separate” I mean you will slowly not be able to tolerate anyone you meet of faith (even if they’ve never bothered you) and you will soon find yourself shaking your fist at organized religion as the root of all evil. Your mind will become incapable of accepting that there is anything bigger than your own self and all the other “selfs” you socialize with. You will be, quite literally, out on a limb with no real friends and sooner or later you will realize that, either to your great horror or sinister joy. Welcome to free will.

Yet, even if Christ were not God, the urgency and hatred that secularists use to deny there’s any moral truth to His plainly obvious teaching of what it means to be good, is evidence enough that we’re dealing a wholly evil mindset. This isn’t Atheism. This is Devilism.
The precise goal of a Devilish society is to get as many people away from God as possible through a steady diet of media distractions and stories and role models all meant to edify their Devilish position while tearing down ours. It’s completely harmless to us if others in society are not up for what Christianity asks of its faithful, but where we draw the line is the distorted representation of faithful people in our pop culture entertainment, a culture dominated by secularist ideals and themes.

Look, If you want to know where all the real sinners are, go to church. You’ll see them on their knees begging for forgiveness and admitting they cherished something else in their hearts over God. But if you want to know where the real Devils are, go to Hollywood where the path to hell is paved in gold.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


They lost to the Lakers today, we are not surprised at all. Actually, we might just skip watching the playoffs this year and not be embarrassed since we are very likely to play them since we are the 8th seed and they sit comfortably in the 1st seed as we speak. Our teams are just no good this year in Big D.
My Mavs Jersey is getting lots of dust this season, I have not wore that thing in about two years. Not gonna either until they prove themselves worthy of me wearing it. Maybe not until they win a championship. The same goes with the Cowboys. I may just buy the FC Dallas Jersey since they don't seem to embarrass us as bad.
I was such a big fan and OH everything came tumbling down when they lost to the Heat and the Warriors...I hold no hope for them this playoff season. May they rest in peace this summer and maybe just maybe bring some excitement defense/offense to their game next season. - Sandra

My Personal Top Chef

My husband, or as I would like to call him when he's in the kitchen, My Top Chef, decided to cook some fried chicken today and oh la la! It was amazing! This was his first time and it tasted better than those fast food fried chickens!

John likes to cook different foods on the weekends, and of course, I'm no one to stop him!

Sofia's Video Blog

Sofia dancing...or turning to the music of Michael Buble!

Sofia acting goofie with daddy!


I had me another one of this yesterday at Sam's. It was good, this sundae never fails. I didn't feel guilty either. I gave Sofia a couple of spoonfuls and she wasn't too sure of it. But that was OK with me, I didn't have to share much.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Economic Lent

By Chuck Colson

Idolatry and the Financial Crisis

Yesterday, I told you about a Lenten “carbon fast” proposed by two Anglican bishops. I am, to put it politely, skeptical of the spiritual value of their proposal. Still, I agree with the bishops that that the weeks before Good Friday and Easter are the right time to examine our lives, including our attitudes toward money and possessions.
This is especially important during these difficult economic times. Many of our personal and corporate behaviors most associated with the crisis are, in fact, spiritual failures for which the Christian faith has an alternative.

One obvious failure is our levels of indebtedness. As historian Niall Ferguson recently wrote, “Western . . . governments, corporations and households are groaning under unprecedented debt burdens. Average household debt has reached 141% of disposable income in the United States and 177% in Britain.”

Our financial institutions, he continues, are in far worse shape. “Some of the best-known names in American and European finance have liabilities 40, 60 or even 100 times the amount of their capital.”
While the Scriptures have something to say about the perils of indebtedness, they have much more to say about the human failings that prompted the “unprecedented debt burdens”—like greed and covetousness.

We are all familiar with stories about people who purchased homes they knew or should have known they couldn’t afford. It is not only home buyers who succumbed to covetousness. As the story of the financial crisis unfolds, we are learning more about how the risk-taking that led to the crisis was tied to compensation.

As Gretchen Morgenson of the New York Times puts it, “Many banks took on far too much risk in the interests of trying to juice their profits,” which, in turn, led to higher executive pay. The fact that the money being risked wasn’t theirs made the “juicing” even easier.
We are now living with the wreckage caused by all this covetousness.
Ultimately, as Paul told the Colossians, covetousness is idolatry—it is worshiping and placing our trust in something man-made rather than the One who made man. It is seeking fulfillment and even meaning in something other than God.

Of course, whatever you trust and believe gives you meaning and purpose, and that is going to take precedence in your life. That’s why scarcely a chapter in the gospels goes by without our Lord warning against the dangers of wealth.

These warnings are so common and our love of possessions so great that many of us have tuned them out or interpreted the Scriptures in a way that turn Jesus’ obvious meaning on its head. We debate camels and eyes of needles so as to miss the point: Wealth and possessions can be snares to our souls.

Like all idols, what Jesus called “mammon” will fail its worshipers. The good times will stop rolling, leaving us with moths and rust—and that’s after thieves in three-piece suits have cleared the place out.

Sound familiar? Thankfully, Jesus also had a lot to say about lost sheep and prodigal sons. Which, if we truly examine our lives this Easter, pretty much includes all of us.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Disordered 'Amen'

By Chuck Colson

The Environment or Humanity

There’s a manual which provides mental health professionals with “diagnostic criteria for mental disorders.” I suggest that the manual should contain a new entry under the heading “AMEN.”

AMEN would stand for “Apocalypse-induced Misanthropic Environmental Nervousness.” That’s because the doomsday rhetoric promulgated by many environmental groups creates what you might call “pre-traumatic stress disorder” among the vulnerable.

Frightened out of their wits by the forecasts of imminent environmental disaster, their thoughts and speech become disordered and incoherent.

The signs of “Amen” are all around us, including the pages of Psychology Today. According to Steven Kotler, “We are running out of resources and we are running out of time.” Between global warming, resource depletion, and other environmental depredations, we are on the verge of an “environmental catastrophe” that will soon leave us “starving, thirsty, and all the rest.”
His solution? Stop having children. Not have fewer children, but a five-year global moratorium on childbirth. The goal is a billion fewer people, which constitutes, he says, a “good place to start.” Because he believes the planet can only sustain 2 billion of us, he says, “We need to lose 4.4 billion people and we need to lose them fast.”

Despite urging that the five-year global moratorium be voluntary, readers still took umbrage at Kotler’s proposal. In response, he denied being “misanthropic”—that is, anti-human—insisting that his proposals were a “vote for humanity.” After all, what are five years without babies compared to “the most dire threat to our species in the history of the world”?
The “most dire threat”? Worse than the Black Death that killed a third of Europe and comparable numbers in North Africa and Asia? Worse than the European diseases that killed an estimated 90 percent of the native population of America? Even worse than the pre-historic catastrophe, most likely a super-volcanic eruption, that geneticists and paleontologists estimate killed 97 to 99 percent of the human race?

Are a few degrees of warming, which may or may not happen, “the most dire threat” humanity has ever faced? Obviously not. The British Meteorological Office recently issued a “blistering attack” on what it called the “apocalyptic predictions” made by global-warming activists and journalists that “mislead the public.”

As we’ve seen, it does more than “mislead”—it engenders and reinforces a misanthropic worldview that pits humans against the rest of creation.
While Kotler’s proposals are not likely to be acted on, the misanthropy that inspires them is becoming a fixture in Western thinking. For what President Eisenhower once called a “scientific-technological elite,” the “solution” to many of the world’s problems is simply “a lot fewer people.”
Sadly, this passes as sanity among the elite. If one person insists that he should die, they put him on a suicide watch. But if he insists that billions must die, they call him a “friend of the Earth.”
I say instead, he suffers from Apocalypse-induced Misanthropic Environmental Nervousness. That’s AMEN.
These environmentalist are going crazy! They are worshipping the earth instead of the "Maker" of the earth. Environmental Catastrophe, sure is written in Revelations but is not called "Environmental Catastrophe!" in simple words the end of the world and the return of our Savior. -sandra.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Gold Cup Soccer Match!

The first sporting event at the new Dallas Cowboys stadium in Arlington will be another kind of football: soccer.

The new $1.1 billion stadium will host a Gold Cup quarterfinal doubleheader on July 19, CONCACAF announced Monday.

"It's great to make that happen," CONCACAF General Secretary Chuck Blazer said. "While people love the Dallas Cowboys and it's a wonderful American institution, I don't see that there aren't enough people in Dallas that don't love soccer. I know we will have a great time there at that great stadium."

The 12-country biennial tournament will tour a record of 13 different U.S. cities on July 3-26. Canada, Mexico, Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica, Guadeloupe and Granada will join the U.S., which won back-to-back its last two editions.
George Strait and Reba McEntire will open the new stadium with a concert on June 6.


Alright, for this game to be a sold out game it will have to be US vs. Mexico. I would love to go to this game and experience the new Cowboys Stadium! -sandra


I have been following this story closely but Beckham is not in US soil today to start the new MLS season. He will finish off Series A with AC Milan and return to play with the US Galaxy until June 30th.

His chances are bigger to make his country's (England) soccer squad for next years World Cup in South Africa if he stays with AC Milan than playing with the MLS Galaxy (for goodness sake, he's freaking playing along Ronaldinho, Kaka, Pato, Pirlo.. oh and Maldini!)

Unfortunetly, Soccer (or Futbol) in the United States still doesn't have the same caliber as the rest of the world. I'm a big soccer fan and love watching soccer matches, they are exiciting but watching a US-MLS soccer match doesn't "yet" have the same feeling or adrenaline as watching a European match. I do love it when the US squad plays against Mexico. GO USA! We beat them last month for the 10th consecutive time in US soil! They are sore losers! I love it!

I dare to say that the Women's US Soccer matches are more exciting than the men's US games. OH! yeah! that's because Women's US soccer team has WON World Cups! duh!

At any rate, I don't think Beckham is really helping the MLS (Major League Soccer) hype soccer here in this country. I think MLS, soccer or Futbol is still in its infancy stages. I do hope that Soccer one day becomes a power sport here in the US. Attending the World Cup matches back in 1994 was a dream come true for me and I just hope that it comes again in the near future.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Terrell Owens signs with Buffalo

The Associated Press

Terrell Owens has found a new team, signing Saturday with the Buffalo Bills.
A person familiar with the signing told The Associated Press that Owens is headed to the Bills two days after he was cut by the Dallas Cowboys. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal had not been officially announced.
The Bills were in need of a receiver to take the pressure from Lee Evans. They got one of the biggest names out there.

The question now is how T.O. will deal with Trent Edwards, who is only entering his second full year as starter. Owens has made life difficult for quarterbacks in the past and joins an offense that struggled mightily last year.
The Bills were 25th in the NFL in yards gained and failed to have a 300-yard passer.


Buffalo: where your football career dies! hmm.. but buffalo wings are a good idea! -sandra

Dancing to the Music!

The Seaman Gardeners

Spring is trying to enter the beautiful State of Texas it's been in the high 70's and mid 80's until this coming Wednesday it will come down in the 40's but right now it is a good time to start planting those seeds so that this summer we can have what we need right outside our backyard.

Here's Sofia the new Gardener intern! John is keeping her pretty busy!

Here they are making sure the soil is good to go! Sofia enjoyed herself, but what kid wouldn't enjoy themselves touching dirt!?

hmmm....this one survived winter daddy!

Clean up time!

Come on Daddy, at the count of one..two...three!!


We finally got to watch the movie, Fireproof and all I have to say is that it sure does bring back the hurt, humiliation and pain from our downfall in our marriage; our scars are still very tender but they continue to heal each and every day no matter how many arguments we have this time we are resolute in our marriage.
There were four points in the movie that strike a chord with me but definitely the last one broke me down completely.

1. When one of the leading actors was telling Caleb, the husband with the marriage problems that "there are no marriages in this world that are fireproof unless God is the foundation." Now, who doesn't think their marriages is perfect? If you answered yes, you are not alone; John and I surely thought that way, but God placed us together for his glory and He sure is achieving that.

2. When Caleb was trying his best to win his wife back and the wife just kept ignoring his gestures. This one brought back memories when I was doing the same, until one of my counselors at the Stephen Ministry at my church told me not to stir the pot for God. It was hard not to take matters into my hand and do it my way instead of waiting for God to do it His way at his own timing.

3. When Caleb realized that He had a renewed love in his wife because he had experienced God's love and forgiveness and only through learning God's love was Caleb able to love his wife again and accepting that no one is the perfect partner. I had the same experience and without finding out how much God loved me, I couldn't have possibly loved John again.

4. The last one that truly broke me down was when he had turned his life around to the Lord and asked his wife for forgiveness and she just told him that she wasn't in love with him anymore. This was hard for me because the same thing happened to us.

So, overall, this is a great movie to watch with your spouse. Only through God can marriages be fireproof without Him they will fail no matter how perfect you think your marriage is or how many books you have about marriage is through a god centered marriage, hard daily work from both parnters and unselfish acts that couples get to have a godly marriage. Volunteering at Retrouvaille and listening to couples who are bitter and hurting can get very depressing and this phone calls do take us back where we once were in our marriage but no one is safe from the enemy but we can fireproof it with God.

May God bless and protect all marriages!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Is Barbie Good or Bad for Girls?

West Virginia state lawmaker Jeff Eldridge has proposed a bill that would ban sales of the busty Mattel doll. “I just hate the image that we give to our kids that if you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful and you don’t have to be smart,” Eldridge told West Virginia Media. “I’d like to send a message to not only our children but parents and educators that let’s push education over the importance of beauty.”

I never liked barbie when I was little. I always preferred a rag doll, or just a simple doll. Barbie was too fragile for me. I needed a doll who could stand me, most importantly, I couldn't make clothes for Barbie, she was a skinny bitch back then and still is for that matter and the clothes that I made my dolls needed to be a little bigger in size (and no, I wasn't fat myself, they call me the walking toothpick at school) Besides I have always found Barbie too dull for my taste. OH! and my dolls didn't have breasts like Barbie did and for some reason I never liked it. It was hard to makes clothes to fit those two bumpy things.

I don't care if they banned the doll or not, I think lawmakers have better things to worry about than what a 50 year old doll looks like. I think it should be left to a parent to decide what one's children should play with or not.

Therefore, in my house, Sofia will not get a Barbie, besides I don't approve of a doll having a boyfriend doll!


Cowboys News for the Sports Junkie only

IRVING, Texas - Terrell Owens’ days in Dallas are done, according to ESPN.

Yep, he's gone!!! I'm throwing a party to celebrate his overdue departure! Finally Jerry Jones is waking up to his plastic surgery senses and throwing out expensive drama out of our beloved team. T.O. is a good player but whines and doesn't play as a team member and he is not what we need to at least win one playoff game.

Now, can Jerry Jones be brave enough to cut Romo too? What's Romo done besides play bad December's, fumble and take pics with that Simpson girl? I would like Jerry Jones to get fired as well, but unfortunately he's the owner.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fun Pics

Ugly Sweater Game Night

It was a sunny cold day yesterday with high winds and temps in the 40's (yes, is cold for us folks here in the beautiful State of Texas) so, we decided to invite the Cash's over for some hot spicy chilli wear your ugly sweater game night.
We played "Hit the Deck" card game, is like Uno but even better. You get to slap your contender's hand. Not on purpose but to slap on the card before the other person does. The person to hit 100pts loses. So the winner was.....ME!!! (sandra) I beat John and Hollis, dream come true! They are so competitive so it was nice to come out the winner. So, if anyone is interested in some really good spicy hot chilli and some "Hit the Deck" game night we are ready to take on some of you!

below are men ramblings....

Birthday Party

We went to Ryan's 3rd birthday party at the Frisco Wiggles playcenter yesterday, and we soon found out that the place is not a good fit for Sofia's age, thankfully, we found this small room for infants up to 18month old children fit for Sofia.
Sofia at one of the bouncing houses. She stayed in that position for about 5 minutes, we are thinking she will move or get up any minute now, well, then kids started running up and down and that's when she didn't like all that bouncing and with a loud cry she said get me out of here.
then this, again nothing.
After that we tried this. She was not amuzed. This place is not very big so you really feel cramped.

Then she decided to play with the ball, then eat the ball and that's when we decided the ball that is touched by all these kids was not a good thing.

Below, is where we should have being all along but didn't see it until the end. Here is Sofia with Reagan, John Noel's daughter. She's a cutey!

Sofia didn't not sit at the table because she can't eat pizza yet...she only has one tooth out so she only got to watch.