Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cowboys 2010

Need I say more?

Our season has ended early.

I have decided to root for the Colts.

It looks like the Rangers are choking, kinda like the Mavericks did awhile ago. too bad, I was starting to believe!


Friday, October 29, 2010

The Seaman Girls

And this is Sofia's Halloween outfit made by, ME! She's a flower!!! a Tutu Flower Princess. She wanted to wear her Tutu so, I send her off with her Tutu and her teachers loved it.

Pre-Tutu picture.  

My mom bought these two stools before she left. They love it and John and I tripp on them.

Raquel "trying" to color 

A good sign we need a Wagon.

We REALLY need a Wagon

Fall 2010

Fall is finally here and I'm so happy that this is the beginning of the end of allergy season which means that Sofia will start breathing like a normal human being. She's the Allergy Queen.

We had her tested for allergies and she came out positive for everything but dogs! I was glad because I wouldn't have been able to get rid of my dogs...well, except for Lenny. At any rate, so, this morning our house was pretty chilly and when I started looking through Sofia's dresser for warmer clothes, I found few that fit her. Most of her 2T clothes are getting pretty small and her pants are not fitting properly, I'm thinking is her diaper, who knows, but that will soon go as well. I am scheduled to potty train her AGAIN this coming December. This time is do or DIE! Pee or sink!

Raquel will be off her bottle by next week Friday or until her last can of formula last, so that means we get a raise and if I'm able to potty train Sofia, DOUBLE RAISE in our pockets! And to celebrate, I'll buy me a pair of shoes!

So off to Target I go this weekend to buy Sofia proper winter clothes!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Movies We Watch

Movie: Iron Man II

Wow! I can't decided whether the first one or this one was the best. Robert Downey, Jr. again rocks as Iron Man and Mickey Rourke with that Russian accent blows me away! I forgot the dude can act, although he's not looking handsome as he was back in the day of Wild Orchid and 9 1/2 weeks.

At any rate, even thought this movie was great, I wanted to see more fights with Mickey Rourke and Iron Man, there were only two. The last fight was too short and the first one, my favorite, they should have made the fight last a little longer.

The government is trying to seize Iron Man secret weapons and they try everything in their power to seize it, and eventually they do but at what price!? While Tony Stark is fighting a deadly disease that has him close to his death! YIKES!

Also, don't stop the movie when the movie credits are rolling,  there is a preview for the "Avengers" Movie coming up!!!!

We give this movie: 10 STARS!!!

Movie: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

While watching this movie, it reminded me a lot of the The Mummy. Prince of Persia tried to be funny but not enough. I guess it tried too hard. Jake Gyllenhall becomes the fugitive prince that must stop a villain who threatens to destroy the world with a pretty cool dagger that enables the magic sand inside to go back in time. Now, this was the cool part!

Lots of cool fighting and English accent. Not a bad movie, not a great movie. This movie just falls somewhere in the middle.

John loved it!

We give it: 3 1/2 for the cool effects and English accent. It never fails!

Monday, October 25, 2010


When it rains, it pours. I have never liked Romo, but I never wanted the guy to get hurt not that his shoulder injury was going to make a difference because Romo would have successfully lost the game for us anyway. Kitna is well, Kitna. Who's our third string quarterback!? Anyone? Now, Bengals back in 1970 was the last team who made it to the postseason after starting (1-6) so there! We still have a chance!

Alright, I am hurt by our team but I still love my Cowboys... minus Romo.


Next: Jaguars (3-4)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thoughts and Reflections

Reflections I:

It's almost 2am and I'm sitting here alone in a dark living room staring at this very bright laptop screen and I'm wondering why I'm still up. I have so much heart ache it is hard to describe. It feels like everything is coming apart. The weather is changing, days are flying by so fast it is so hard to keep up with what day it is or what day it is not. My job is getting stressful and the more I strive to make it, the more I feel like quitting and starting over but in fact there is so much more sunshine when I can hug my family everyday and give thanks to God for what I have and give even more thanks for the things that I don't have because they don't belong to me.

I strive to be a good wife and mother. There are days that it is difficult to juggle both. I fear failing at both because they are both equally important to maintain. Running a house is not a joke! It's serious work! I have learned that a husband looks to the wife to run the house, just like the wife looks to the husband for leadership and protection. Both jobs are equally as important as the other and each person looks for support from the other. When one fails, the other is handicapped.

At 21 years of age, I never pictured myself saying these words. But then, I didn't believe in marriage, now, I defend it. Trials and tribulations can change a person either for worse or for enlightenment to change one's way.

I could write a book about my trials and tribulations but why throw myself a pity party, right?

Reflections II:

Whatever I'm doing in any given day, my dad is always on my mind, not to far away. I wonder if he can hear me when I'm talking to him or when I'm crying for him or when I'm asking him questions. I will never forget his last breath. As difficult as our relationship was, I truly loved him. I was too afraid to tell him. I only wanted acceptance from him. I wanted to make him proud of my stupid achievements.

He didn't give me what I wanted from him, but instead he taught me discipline and boundaries, through these I have been able to built a solid foundation that has given me numerous opportunities to build upon them successfully.

And for this, I thank you Dad, without these two, I wouldn't be the person that I am today.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Texas Rangers ALCS Champions!!!!

And that is how BASEBALL GOES!!!! TAKE THAT YOU YANKEES!! Go back to your filled-ridden bedbug beds and stay the heck out!!!

Here we come World Series!!! DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!!! 2010 ALCS CHAMPIONS!

Five on Friday - Mementos

1.Do you still have your senior yearbook? Where is it?

I do have that book. I actually hate looking at it, mostly my picture, pretty awful! My book sits in a box with other mementos. It is the only one I have. I remember saving my entire Senior year to buy this piece of crap!

2.What souvenir did you bring back from your last trip?

Our last trip together was Houston in 2007. I brought back a baby!
My last trip solo was Kansas City this past September, and I brought back a tequila shot glass with KC name on it.

3.What visible signs are there of your most recent injury?

Thankfully, you can't see Plantar Fasciittis!

4.What’s the neatest wedding favor you’ve ever seen?

awe! they are all cute to me! It is neat to see all that stuff!

5.What do you do with playbills and movie-ticket stubs?
well, funny you ask! because the movies that I do like or the ones that I've longed to see, I keep them in this very secret place of mine, until the lettering disappers then it becomes trash then it is not so special anymore.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Seaman Videos

Here's Raquel jumping on her crib!

This is how Sofia gets around the kitchen when we are cooking and she wants to help.

Dancing with Daddy!

Soccer Star in the making!

The Seaman Girls

Our computer decided to break down and it has taken John awhile to bring it back up. But we're back and here's a few pictures from my girls!

Here we are enjoying a beautiful fall 80 degree weather day outside staring at...certainly not at me or the camera!

Sofia has started to pose for pictures! Raquel has no clue but loves it when Sofia stands by her. 

Another pose for Mami! 

Raquel started wearing this b/day hat, Alma got Sofia for her first b/day and Raquel did not want to take it off! She wore it all afternoon. 

Sofia with her beautiful cousins! 

They are guarding our house, I think! 

Awe! love this picture!  

Raquel Seaman, My Princess is soon to be one year old! 

Waiting for Superman

The Need for Education Reform
By: Chuck Colson

Are public schools rigged to benefit adults more than children? A new movie sheds light on the issue.

The ground-breaking new documentary, Waiting for “Superman” vividly highlights the problems with our public education system—and may prove a spark for educational reform across the country.

The film follows the lives of five children as their parents desperately try to enroll them in high-performing charter schools. The problem is, there are so many children trying to get into these schools enrollment is determined by lottery—often with heartbreaking results.

While highlighting the touching stories of these children, the film is a strong indictment of the adults responsible for the poor educational conditions these children are so desperate to escape.

A prime target of the movie are the teachers unions who oppose reforms and have been a key to creating a system where bad teachers can’t be fired. This indictment of the teachers unions is particularly stinging since the director of Waiting for “Superman,” Davis Guggenheim, can’t be dismissed as a conservative. He previously won an Oscar for directing Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth.

Guggenheim exposes our broken education system and highlights prominent reformers like Michelle Rhee, the recently-resigned Chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools.

In the wake of Rhee’s resignation, the Washington Post called her a “superstar of the education reform movement” under whose leadership, “student test scores rose, decades of enrollment decline stopped and the teachers union accepted a contract that gave the chancellor, in tandem with a rigorous new evaluation system, sweeping new powers to fire low-performing educators.”

Guggenheim stumbled on the topic of education reform as he drove his children past three public schools every day to drop them off at their private school. Overcome with guilt, he realized that there was a story behind the obvious problem that not every willing child in America has access to a first-rate education.

In that moment, Guggenheim was inspired to tell this important story, and the movie will no doubt spark thousands of similar moments of inspiration for parents across the country.

Unfortunately for America’s school children, the teachers unions have gone on the offensive. American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten has cautioned the public that the film doesn't paint the whole picture, citing high performing public schools around the country.

But Ms. Weingarten is missing the point. This movie is not about finding a scapegoat; it’s about creating a system where great teachers can be rewarded and schools can meet the academic challenges of today.

But it will be a long, hard slog. As Waiting for "Superman" shows, the system is rigged in favor of school bureaucracies and teachers unions over schoolchildren.
Guggenheim's film about global warming created a firestorm of controversy and legislative action. And Waiting for "Superman" is certainly on track to become a full-fledged movement in its own right, while reinvigorating the education reform agenda nationwide. I urge you: go see it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cowboys 2010

I am slowly emotionally detaching myself from the Cowboys after yesterday's lost to the Vikings. It is really hard for us to watch the 3:15pm games because the girls get up at 4pm and they want all of our attention. The noon games or night games are much better for us, but enough about schedules...schedules actually run my life to keep it in order, somewhat.

What else can I say about the Cowboys that I haven't said yet? I still love them, that's a positive. I still hate Romo, that's pretty consistent. Cowboys have not change the rate they acquired penalties. Fire Phillips? I don't think this is the only problem they have. I think it all begins with Mr. Jones. Jason Garret sucks as well so we are pretty much doomed for this season. There is still hope for us. Only 5 teams with our current record have made it to the playoffs.

I'll just keep my emotions in check every time I watch the Cowboys and give just a little to the Texas Rangers, it seems they could be going to the World Series!

Next: Giants (4-2) This is a MUST MUST MUST win for the Cowboys if we lose it bye bye playoffs.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

That's How Baseball Goes!

Texas Rangers advance to the ALDS Championship against the mighty Yankees. Since the Cowboys might not make it to the playoff this season at least the Rangers won their first playoffs game EVER!

I jumped off the bandwagon 11 years ago. I'm getting on just to live history because this may not happen again in perhaps 11 more years.

Good job, Rangers!!

I haven't seen baseball this much in so long!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cowboys 2010

Another defeat. Actually, we had two defeats here in Dallas, first, Rangers lost to the Rays, then across the street, the Cowboys followed suit. So many flags were thrown on this game against Dallas it was laughable. Again, I'm going to continue on bashing Romo until he gets benched. Romo will never make it to the Superbowl. NEVER. In every game he is bound to intercept. Our offence once again failed. Our so-so Defense fail to stop the cheating Titans. We look strong, but in fact we fail in every way possible.

Next: Vikings.

p.s. I wonder how the new scandal will affect Favre. Does anyone believe he send those text and voicemails to this reporter? I find it hard to believe.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rejoice at Weakness

Yes! I know all. Every cry for mercy. Every sigh of weariness. Every plea for help. Every sorrow over failure. Every weakness.

I am with you through all. My tender sympathy is yours. My strength is yours.

Rejoice at your weakness, My children. My strength is made perfect in weakness. When you are weak then am I strong. Strong to help, to cure, to protect.

Trust Me, My children. I know all. I am beside you. Strong, strong, strong to save. Lean on My Love, and know that all is well.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

5 Things About Me Right Now

1. I have been on a writers block hiatus. I have a lot to share and express but nothing comes out. I have also been on a creativity block hiatus. But Halloween is coming up and Sofia gets the chance to dress up at school this year and this is my opportunity to redeem myself from that awful cookie costume I made last year and I have decided that I will make her a flower outfit thanks to Martha Stewart. I will not entertain the idea to buy her an outfit that's way too easy.

2. We all miss my mom now that she's flown back home, but she's where God wants her to be. She's been living with us for so long, it feels odd not having her around the house.

3. Birthday's do not matter anymore now that my life is filled with John and my girls. They are all that matter to me.

4. I am soon to be a grand-dog-mother. I think this is how you say it, I don't know, please correct me if I'm wrong. Billy, our chihuahua, is going to be mating with Molly, my niece's fiancee chihuahua. They have not been successful as of today but I hope that changes soon. We love Molly already. I don't want her going away.

5. Today marks the beginning of planning Raquel's b/day party. It is not until November but it is never too early to start. I love planning events! It gives something else to if I don't have a million things to do already. Thankfully, I can multitask.