Monday, December 17, 2012

Seaman Happenings

I'm back on the blogger saddle after blogger made me buy more space to post my pictures and I accepted. So, from now on, I will refrain from posting stupid stuff unrelated to my world only. Therefore, here's a quick rundown of what's been happening in the life of the Seaman family.

For Thanksgiving, Sofia's class made Indian hats and each child was given an Indian name, Sofia's name was: The Girl with the Soft Voice. I was surprised because she's pretty loud when she's in the house.

Sofia loves headbands and has them in all the colors you can imagine and she wears a different color every single day and this day she decided to share them with Coco Beware. He wasn't happy at all. 

I do like this look on Coco. 

Texas Weather: One day is warm and the other is cold. This day it was georgous so we did an activity outside and then some tea with cookies.

Tinkerbell Tea Set came in handy!

John took a week's vacation on Thanksgiving Week; I noticed he was rather bored and I said, "you know, let's clean our closet," he said, "No, let's replace the carpet."

My Father N Law is the man! Without his help John would still be working in our room!

John was tired! We barely saw him on his VACATION WEEK!

Thanksgiving Day, since the weather was warm, John decided to touch on his Scottish 1/4 side.

Raquel loving on Grandma Libby. Coco too. 

Raquel and her cute curls! I've learned to love them. She gets so many compliments everywhere we go.

At the park! 

The Christmas Tree. I much prefer a plastic one.

Helping John decorate the tree. They had a blast! 

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