Friday, October 22, 2010

Five on Friday - Mementos

1.Do you still have your senior yearbook? Where is it?

I do have that book. I actually hate looking at it, mostly my picture, pretty awful! My book sits in a box with other mementos. It is the only one I have. I remember saving my entire Senior year to buy this piece of crap!

2.What souvenir did you bring back from your last trip?

Our last trip together was Houston in 2007. I brought back a baby!
My last trip solo was Kansas City this past September, and I brought back a tequila shot glass with KC name on it.

3.What visible signs are there of your most recent injury?

Thankfully, you can't see Plantar Fasciittis!

4.What’s the neatest wedding favor you’ve ever seen?

awe! they are all cute to me! It is neat to see all that stuff!

5.What do you do with playbills and movie-ticket stubs?
well, funny you ask! because the movies that I do like or the ones that I've longed to see, I keep them in this very secret place of mine, until the lettering disappers then it becomes trash then it is not so special anymore.

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