Friday, June 11, 2010

Five on Friday - Oops

1. In the past month, what was your biggest OOPS?

- I thought Sofia was ready for potty training and I was wrong. Big oops!

2. In the past month, what inspired you to let out your most heartfelt WHEW?

- Believe it or not when Sofia pooped this past Tuesday after being constipated for 5 days. Big WHEW!

3. In the past month, what caused you to say, "HUH?"

- When President Obama said, "I'm going to kick someones A$$. Not very presidential speech. I guess it is his way of showing toughness. Who knows.

4. In the past month, what influenced the most ZZZZZZZZs?

- Getting up at 6am even on weekends.

5. In the past month, what was most GRRRRRR-worthy?

- Seeing all the sea animals covered up in oil and no ONE doing anything about it to control the situation.

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