Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Whole Foods

Whole Foods has decided to please all of the Green/Earthy/Vegetarians etc, etc, people and ban  seafood that is red-rated fish. I don't care what they ban because I don't shop for Tuna, Mahi Mahi, Salmon and Flounders at Whole Foods because I thought they were too expensive but looking at the state of our economy today, their decision will have a substantial effect on the New England ports. Whole Foods is a great store but this decision I think is absurb.

Fish banned by Whole Foods: code-red fish:

Caviar, Sturgeon (imported wild)
Chilean Seabass/Toothfish
Conch: Queen
Crawfish/Crayfish (imported farmed)
Flounders, Halibut, Soles (US Atlantic, except Summer Flounder)
Groupers (US Atlantic)
Lobster: Spiny (Brazil)
Mahi Mahi (imported longline)
Marlin: Blue, Striped (Pacific)
Orange Roughy
Salmon (farmed, including Atlantic)
Sharks & Skates
Shrimp (imported)
Snapper: Red, Vermilion
Swordfish (imported)
Tilapia (Asia farmed)
Tilefish (US Southeast)
Tuna: All Canned, Albacore, Skipjack,
Tongol (except troll/pole)
Tuna: Bigeye, Yellowfin (longline, except US Atlantic)
Tuna: Bluefin

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