Wednesday, July 25, 2012

5 Things About Me Today

1. Taking my Defensive Driving class was not as excruciating as I thought. In fact, I came home updated on new traffic laws such as if you are driving fatigue and you cause an accident, it will be treated as a DUI. Yep, DUI and I also learned that the court fees and jail time is the same as DWI. Scary stuff if you get caught.

2. John and I are back on the South Beach Diet again because we let go and went on a food eating tasting for about two months and we looked at each other and said, "ooh we are fat." So far, I'm starting to feel good again and I'm starting to fit into my clothes. I think we went too far too long on eating nasty!

3. Sofia and Raquel want to go out and do something every single day. "Where are we going today?" All this started after we took our five day vacation in early June and they were enjoying themselves going out to new places every day. John and I are trying to find something new and "cheap" to take them out on the weekends but we are limited on places to go due to their ages.

4. It finally hit 106 Fahrenheit this weekend reminding that we live in Texas. We have had a pretty good mild summer with rain and in the lower 90's. My water bill will definitely take more cash out of my pocket next month if it doesn't start raining soon.

5. I sold another purse on my Etzy shop! It is so thrilling to sell stuff it gives me that "I won" feeling. I love it!

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