Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peach Class 2010

Sofia starts her second year at Little Saints, Mother's Day Out Program. This year, she's with the 2 year old Peach Class, with Ms. Amy and Ms. Victoria.

Again, my heart ached leaving her behind, unfortunately, she didn't share the same heartache that I was experiencing, she was way too happy to be in school.

Here's Sofia with Ms. Amy. This is the day we visited the classroom for an hour. Ms. Victoria speaks Spanish and will be teaching Spanish to the Peach class! Ms. Victoria loves that Sofia is already Bilingual in Spanish!

See that smile!

Here's little James. James was in Sofia's Red Class from last year.

Sofia kept smiling all day long because she got to go to school.

Raquel: "So not fair Mommy! I get to be stuck at home every day besides going to Mass. Not fair!"

The day when she got to spend half a day at school. She's got the keys ready!

Here's little James again!

Sofia doesn't even say bye to me. Ms. Amy told me when I picked her up that she was the happiest little girl in that room and she got everyone to laugh with her and talk to her. My social butterfly!

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