Monday, February 16, 2009

Saturday, February 14th - Valentines Day

This day was filled with getting ready for Sofia's birthday party the next day. Oh and I managed to enroll Sofia at the All Saints Catholic School program "Little Saints" for the upcoming school year. She got in and she will be attending Tuesday's and Thursday's her classroom color is Red.

So, I picked up the cake, favors, balloons, plates, food and clean house. and got ready for the Valentines Marriage Sweetheart dance at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Our first time attending and we had a blast. They had a DJ, wine (red and white) and fabulous food and we also had the honor of sitting with outstanding couples. Two of them have been marriage for 39 years! Very inspiring. The oldest married couple was 55 years. God bless them.
Below is Sofia hiding from daddy. She didn't want to go outside to rake the remaining leafs.Her first touchdown sign!!!! I love her!
Here's Sofia making sure there is no leaf left behind. Such a trooper!
At the Valentines Marriage Sweetheart dance!
The dance was held at the Gym. There were 125 couples attending their biggest ever! The church youth group volunteered by acting as waiter's. My nephew, Andrew was there working hard! The party ended at 10pm.
The End. Day II.

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